Not a spoonful of sugar, just a dash of color!

One of the things that I did while I was in a residential program was to teach an expressive art class.

Here are some of the examples I used:\

simple painting class

simple painting class

Shhhhh, I’m not sure they were supposed to allow a client/patient to do one of the activities – but, I wanted to, and my life is changed by it!

Here is what I did with the leftover canvases:

painting class

painting class leftovers

Here is everything I did, as my own quiet time activity while at the residential program (minus 2 that I gave away as gifts):

painting meditations

painting meditations

I also did a pen and ink of an orchid type flower while sitting in the front lobby – (I hope I can get the person I gave that one to to send me a copy of it).

And, the other day, while at the conference – I was sitting in the dark quiet room, and my artist was drawing a covered bridge…she gave it away, but the friend says it was absolutely gorgeous. I may get her to scan that one as well.

The point of this?

Ever since the first painting that someone asked me to do for them so that they could look at it and just take a break, I have wanted my paintings to be a source of peace and joy.

(find the photo of Susan with her painting)\

When I painted this painting – my friend Mitzi kept saying she could walk into that back area and just sit down with a book. That back area is now called Mitzi’s garden!


Being able to find a place to go to meditate on the things of God to fill your heart with joy is not easy.

But what if you could paint your own hiding place – where you could imagine yourself sitting down and listening to your music, your Bible, your God speak to you?

Maybe I can create a program just like this and bring it around to various churches and organizations that help wounded women…what do you think?

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,

Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” –
from My Utmost for His highest

I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a comment!
Or choose to LIKE me on facebook, or other social media!
I’d love to stay in touch with you – we are working on email subscriptions…sign up! 
Soon, we will have a gallery for the art I have created by the hand of God.

Barbs Drawing

Naomi’s Heart Mission

Help a child in need. Check out Naomi’s Heart Mission or Compassion International. The life that changes will be your own!

January 2015 – Where did you go?

For all that have chosen to befriend me, and watch me for various reasons(of which we will not ask here), January was very obviously missing from my internet charades or escapades. I have many things to write about – and this year, 2015, I will be writing, and painting, and I hope that I will be speaking – but that will come.

Oh what a difference a month makes! And, what a prophetic post about Simplify!

I learned a lot last month, but had no consistent ability to write this blog. I spent January at a residential program for behavioral health – mental illness.

And, the draft – on Dec 21 that says ‘The End’…

The point is that on Dec 21, I wrote the draft that I am going to post right now – and on Dec 25th, I did attempt to take my life. It would appear that Dec 21, I was writing a suicide letter – despairing of my ever being able to be good enough to live.

The End
This post is password protected with TheEnd – so that only those that are reading THIS post will know how to get to the other.

I have an illness, a mental illness with several other issues surrounding it that cause me to have things happen that I am not aware of.

Jim’s comment to a friend was that I told him I didn’t remember taking the pills – and, I don’t. Until I talked to that friend, I didn’t know that I didn’t remember it at THAT time…that it wasn’t an amnesia occurring from the overdose.

Of course I am ultimately responsible, in a way that someone with cancer would not be – but, DID/MPD is very complicated, and I am not always myself. Major depressive disorder can spiral because of chemistry in the body – and then trigger the DID/MPD. AND – PTSD, from the abuse that caused the DID/MPD can trigger all of it – and that’s if no one human decides to be part of my life!

I have hope for the future – and even a hope that there will be a future as long as the Lord allows it. I don’t know what the people in my life will do with me, I know what my 2 bffs will say – and I know that my God is all about forgiveness – and as one bff says – GRACE.

Pray for Jim – he is exhausted from taking care of me.
Pray for my family – they don’t know what to think of me.
Pray for my friends – they don’t know what to do with me.
Pray for me – that we will learn enough about this disorder, and my additional mental illnesses, while I am in remission and can change behaviors and be prepared the next time this disease tried to take my life.

BTW – to be a bit sacreligious – God is a multiple! Father, Son, Holy Spirit all in One! if no one else gets me – HE DOES!!!

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,

Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” –
from My Utmost for His highest

I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a comment!
Or choose to LIKE me on facebook, or other social media!
I’d love to stay in touch with you – we are working on email subscriptions…sign up! 
Soon, we will have a gallery for the art I have created by the hand of God.

Barbs Drawing

Naomi’s Heart Mission

Help a child in need. Check out Naomi’s Heart Mission or Compassion International. The life that changes will be your own!


This was my post on Facebook on October 31.

simplify simplify simplify….which may mean I thin out my fb list of friends!
I only have 325 – so, hmmm – but next year is going to be MUCH simpler – and I am focusing on what My Lord and Savior wants me to do….for me…as for me and Him…and me…and Him…and Jim Wildman, too – but, I need to get back to the one on one faith that has brought me through so much…so, as I simplify my life – I am planning next year to do an experiment – 365 days of Biblical Womanhood and Faith( combining the experiences of two books I will add here).
Focus on the gifts God has given me – writing and painting.
And focus on the responsibilities that God has given me – wife and mother and friend.
That should be simple enough.
I don’t know what travels will be in my path, or trials, or triumphs!
But, I want my friends to know that if I thin things out, don’t post on your page, disappear for long periods of time – it’s not because of a lack of love for YOU, it’s because I am growing my love for myself, My God, and my husband. If anyone does not understand this – please unfriend me now – it will save me time l later! see – simplify!
Also, if you do not like me posting scriptures and Christian based faith things on my page, go ahead and unfriend me – It’s my page, but, you have the choice to not look at it.
So – this is my fair warning – I’m putting things into place for finishing up 2014, and starting 2015.
There are many holidays for many folks that are occurring from today, until Jan 1 – I hope that everyone that I love enjoys some time together with the ones they love!

I am working on simplifying my life – to focus on only those things that are important.

In the book A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans – she talks about a prayer life, a bible reading life, and then, she discusses Mary and Martha – the quintessential dichotomy of being a Biblical woman in the home, and being at the feet of Jesus.


When we were first married – and I had no urgent responsibilities, and only the fresh memory of being single – and desiring to read the Bible, I read the Bible for hours.
We chose NOT to have a TV, because of the distraction it would cause Jim in his studies, but that ended up allowing me to have the freedom to study the Bible.

My first love – when I first understood my salvation I thirsted, and hungered for the Bible. I read the Bible to understand this man that had given his life for me, and how to be more like him. I read the bible to understand the roots of the religion I was now embracing. I read the bible like some eat bread and drink wine. It was my sustenance.

My first love in our marriage was to please Jim in all ways – cleaning, cooking, sewing, decorating, and pleasing him by meeting him at the door with a smile and a kind word when he returned home.

In Revelation 2:4 Jesus says to the church:
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

This is after he praises them for their good deeds.
His counsel is this, in Rev 2:5

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

I need to repent so that I can simplify.
I need to return to my first loves.
I hope that it is not too late!

update Nov 5, 2014
Of course it’s not too late – I am not dead, I have not been raptured, Christ has not returned, and I have not faced the white throne of judgement. By grabbing onto the horns of the mercy seat, and crying out for mercy, and grace – I can change my life to glorify God. It’s not too late as long as I have breath!

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,

Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” –
from My Utmost for His highest

I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a comment!
Or choose to LIKE me on facebook, or other social media!
I’d love to stay in touch with you – we are working on email subscriptions…sign up! 
Soon, we will have a gallery for the art I have created by the hand of God.

Barbs Drawing

Naomi’s Heart Mission

Help a child in need. Check out Naomi’s Heart Mission or Compassion International. The life that changes will be your own!

The end of the year starts now!

Out of surgery

Out of surgery

Cleaned up and going home!

Cleaned up and going home!

One week out - They say it looks good!

One week out – They say it looks good!

Maybe having your throat sliced open in order to replace a damaged disc with a state of the art artificial disc caused me to have early end of year reflections…but, for whatever reason – I am.

The upside is that I have the ability to plan out next year, before Dec 26 – Jan 1! This could be a great new pattern!

I’ve been having Deep thoughts – based on the book “The Happiness of Pursuit” by Chris Guillebeau

What really makes me tick? Not ticked! or ticked that I can’t tick! 😉

Last night, I watched a movie/tv series from BBC called “The Bletchley Circle”. It’s kind of gruesome for that genre time, but not for murder mysteries for 2012 and on.

Anyway – they were cracking a murder code by looking at patterns – and one of the characters said

” when you are given corrupted code, you backtrack to the known pure code”.

This goes hand in hand with this summary of Chris’ book –

Everywhere that Chris visited he found ordinary people working toward extraordinary goals, making daily down payments on their dream. These “questers” included a suburban mom pursuing a wildly ambitious culinary project, a DJ producing the world’s largest symphony, a young widower completing the tasks his wife would never accomplish, and a teenager crossing an entire ocean alone – as well as a do-it-yourselfer tackling M.I.T.’s computer-science course, a nerd turning himself into real-life James Bond, and scores of others writing themselves into the record books.

The more Chris spoke with these strivers, the more he began to appreciate the direct link between questing and long-term happiness — how going after something in a methodical way enriches our lives — and he was compelled to complete a comprehensive study of the phenomenon and extract the best advice. In The Happiness of Pursuit he draws on interviews with hundreds of questers, revealing their secret motivations, their selection criteria, the role played by friends and family, their tricks for solving logistics, and the importance of documentation.

Equally fascinating is Chris’ examination of questing’s other side, including questers’ acute awareness of mortality, their struggle against monotony, and their wistful feelings once a quest has succeeded. What happens after the summit is climbed, the painting hung, the endurance record broken, the “at risk” community saved?

A book that challenges each of us to take control – to make our lives be about something while at the same time remaining clear-eyed about the commitment — The Happiness of Pursuit will inspire readers of every age and aspiration. It’s a playbook for making your life count.

I have always wanted my life to count…but at 51 – I started wondering what counted!
I have begun to realize that from all the messages given to me from social media, tv, movies, others(friends, family, strangers), philosophy, theology….I have had my code corrupted.

I need to go back to when the code was the most pure – and start again.

This is NOT going backwards, but rather – finding my true path – the true essence of me – who I am, what I believe, how I like to dress, what I am here for in this world.

In a sermon that WildRoss shared with me on a podcast –

the question in Genesis Chapter 3 – God asking “where are you?”
It’s not God hiding from us so that we have to seek – He KNOWS right where we are – He’s right there with me, when I’m hiding behind a tree – and He’s waiting for me to realize – I’M HIDING FROM HIM! and my relationship with HIM is more important than any relationship in my life.

That is where the code was purest…though there was plenty of corrupted messages back then – but life had enabled me to unravel some of those corrupted messages – and now – I need to go back to the beginning with new eyes, and reprocess.

There are scripture verses, quotes from THOP, another book I’m reading, about a woman that walked the AT at a very old age – Gramma someone – of course, Gramma Moses painting late in life…and some very old writers.

I’m no longer 51 – three more years have funneled through the hour glass – and I want to be about my Father’s business – whereever and whatever that may be.

Another thing I am looking at is three books about living Biblically for a year.

A year of living Biblically – by AJ Jacobs – I think this one is from the Jewish perspective
A year of Biblical Womanhood – by Rachel Held Evans – a woman’s perspective
A year of living Like Jesus – by Edward G Dobson – obviously the Christian Perspective

As well as finishing the book – The World is my Cloister – by John Michael Talbet

  • Faith
  • Art
  • Family
  • Adventures

I have also been challenged by posts from a man named Steve Kamb – like this one: Does it Really Matter?

I guess that is the next challenge in my life…how to focus my life on these things – and drop those that don’t fit.

This morning, I just read this blog by Steve Kamb – About an Epic Quest. Life is a Game.

I want to make a difference?
Epic Quest time –
My epic quest is to be completely victorious over childhood sexual abuse, genetic chronic depression, and self destructive patterns.
This will not end until my life is over – so, it doesn’t have a date attached to it per Life Is a Game.

But, I have accomplished several things:

  • No longer under the power of the abuser.
  • No longer under the power of self blame and shame.
  • No longer under the power of self hatred.
  • No longer under the power of worthless burden mentality.
  • No longer under the power of other’s placing blame on me for their own choices.


  • one of three major damages to my body from a fall in the Navy is taken care of – artificial cervical disc!
  • Damaged tendons in my feet and ankles have been repaired or rehabbed.
  • I am no longer limited to a wheelchair! or a walker! or a cane.
  • My bloodwork and vitals are constantly improving – and my liver is finally allowing me to take off weight!


  • I completed one practice sprint triathlon – with the help of a physical therapist, helping to train me during my rehab!
  • I have had my book outline reviewed by a main company editor – with promising reviews – and told to write it out longer.
  • I have had my art seen by galleries – with promising reviews.

I have been able to reach broken children and families and women through various avenues.

BUT – what is my passion, what is my quest?

  • To combine my art, my writings and my experiences to help broken women and children to reach their highest potential.

What does that look like?

  • My blog
  • An Art site
  • My book
  • speaking
  • and getting my hands dirty to work with those that the world has forgotten – under the bridges, behind the buildings, in the dumps, in the stores, in the schools, in the churches…where ever I can reach out a hand – and offer help.

I was given the title of a wounded healer – and it’s time that I get about walking into that calling.

I was told by someone that in RPG games – you always protect your healers.
In the RPG group on NerdFitness, I have set myself up as a healer.
In Real Life – I never really thought that anyone felt that my healing ‘powers’ were of much worth – they didn’t bring in money, they didn’t put food on the table, they didn’t cloth anyone – and instead, they often COST something.

Therefore – a side quest is to find a way that I can be this wounded healer, and provide for this ‘ministry’.

  • My books?
  • My paintings?
  • speaking?

Another side quest is to find out how to utilize tools.

  • Learn WordPress – and social media in order to gain some visibility to my writing that adds up to my book and studies.
  • Learn FASO
  • Learn e-publishing
  • FineTune my skills – art courses, writing courses, abuse counseling type courses. and Bible counseling courses.

And, an all encompassing side quest is to continue to build strength, physically, mentally and emotionally.
These will have their own pathways.

My goals for the rest of the year (hence, this next challenge) is to set up for the following year with a master Epic Quest Goal – and sub goals.

At this time, I don’t know what this will look like – but I have to start walking my path, my quest – to my end goal of being all that I can be(though, that is the Army, not the Navy).

Now, I need to put these two trains of thoughts together –
what is my purpose (Faith, Art, Family, Adventures) and what quest does that line up with?

So, that’s my focus for the rest of the year – though there will be adventures, and family thrown in – starting tomorrow – by flying to Ohio, to see family.

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,

Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” –
from My Utmost for His highest

I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a comment!
Or choose to LIKE me on facebook, or other social media!
I’d love to stay in touch with you – we are working on email subscriptions…sign up! 
Soon, we will have a gallery for the art I have created by the hand of God.

Barbs Drawing

Naomi’s Heart Mission

Help a child in need. Check out Naomi’s Heart Mission or Compassion International. The life that changes will be your own!

Where art thou, Christi?

so many things I planned to do – and then, things came up.
and then, I rewrote what I planned to do to take those things into consideration – and then, things came up.

Sometimes stupid stuff, like today – I left the toilet without making sure it flushed completely, and our whole RV is flooded – water running freely from 11 p, to 8 am. This was not what I planned for today.

Last Tuesday, I was planning to walk my 10k steps a day – to keep up what I had done at camp…but, I shut my foot in the car door – yes, I had to open the door to get it out.
Apparently, feet were not made for being shut into such tight spaces without at least being bruised.

Anyway – for various reasons, specifically my eyes, I did not start the Isaiah course I planned – and therefore – it is not here.

Because of a detox program by my doctor – I stopped the Plexus stuff – and therefore, stopped writing up those thoughts – though, I will be writing up some health journal stuff to bring this up to date. I have stopped the Plexus – because I don’t need it. But, that means, I haven’t kept up my health journal.

Because of travel – and only having a tablet that does not seem to put my blogs in the right place, and is not as convenient to type on for long thoughtful things(and, I can’t switch back and forth to have blue letter bible, google and photos easily added) – I haven’t kept up anything here!

Oh, the art? yeah – it’s sitting on the easels – untouched.

In two weeks, I have surgery on my neck. Am I scared? well, let’s just say that I feel like I am choosing the lesser of two evils. And, I’m not looking forward to it, so I’m not thinking about it, I’m thinking about November…not October 13!!!

And my mental situation? This week, I start dealing with past wounds and memories – to try to eliminate the triggers and heal – and, this is the scariest thing of all.
I think I’d rather go back and let the Navy do exploratory surgery on my back than go through this wound exploration – a lot is in journals – that I refuse to read – and now, I’m going to be discussing it with a therapist for an hour, after an hour of driving, and then, an hour of driving home.

My eyes keep dripping…my heart keeps racing…and nothing that I had planned is going to happen – and while this should be the place that I put all those wonderful no fear scriptures and memos and thoughts and sayings – right now – my mind is flooded – as I said, so flooded that my eyes are leaking.

But, if there is anyone that reads this – this is my short explanation as to where I’ve been and where I am.

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,
Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” –
from My Utmost for His highest

I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a comment!
Or choose to LIKE me on facebook, or other social media!
I’d love to stay in touch with you – we are working on email subscriptions…sign up! 
Soon, we will have a gallery for the art I have created by the hand of God.

Barbs Drawing

Naomi’s Heart Mission

Help a child in need. Check out Naomi’s Heart Mission or Compassion International. The life that changes will be your own!

Isaiah – A Kay Arthur Bible Study Introduction

Isaiah 40:31, My life verse.

Isaiah 40:31, My life verse.

The Book of Isaiah has become my favorite over the years.
I love Psalms – I sing myself out of depression by singing through Psalms.
I love the Gospels – the story of Christ is my salvation.
And yet – there is something about Isaiah!

Isaiah 40:28-31
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

I am using the study guide:
Face-to-Face with a Holy God

This is a 13 week study…I’m starting it on July 21, 2014.
I will be posting my thoughts as I go through this study.

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,
Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” –
from My Utmost for His highest

I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a comment!
Or choose to LIKE me on facebook, or other social media!
I’d love to stay in touch with you – we are working on email subscriptions…sign up! 
Soon, we will have a gallery for the art I have created by the hand of God.

Barbs Drawing

Naomi’s Heart Mission

Help a child in need. Check out Naomi’s Heart Mission or Compassion International. The life that changes will be your own!

Health Journal weekend summary July 21

On Top of the RV!

On Top of the RV!


I’ll research this…..this last weekend has sort of produced my own test. I never have hangovers – even when I was in the Navy and drunk so much that I did not remember getting back to the barracks – I was fine the next day. So – there was no performance reason to avoid alcohol.

Actually – it effects Type1 Diabetics with Hypoglycemia

But mine is a strange version of type2 and I should have read the MedNet article on alcohol before testing!

Alcohol is considered a poison by your body, and all efforts are made to excrete it, including the cessation of maintaining healthy blood glucose levels. Studies have shown that alcohol interferes with all three sources of glucose and the hormones needed to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

Alcohol can also negatively impact blood sugar levels each time that it is consumed, regardless of the frequency of consumption. Research has shown that acute consumption increases insulin secretion, causing low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and can also impair the hormonal response that would normally rectify the low blood sugar. Drinking as little as 2 ounces of alcohol on an empty stomach can lead to very low blood sugar levels. This makes alcohol an even bigger problem for anyone with diabetes. Along with the impact on blood sugar, studies have also shown that alcohol can impact the effectiveness of the hypoglycemic medications, so extreme caution needs to be taken when consuming alcohol by anyone with diabetes.

I respond in the reverse – but, the point is, it effects me.

I have always believed that conservative and moderate alcohol participation was allowable for Christians(this comment to pre-answer the question, “But Christi, you’re a Christian! You drink?”

Yes. I enjoy a drink now and then.
There are some things that I cannot do, but not because of some legalistic application of some interpretation of scripture.
In fact, there are things that I don’t eat that some believe the Bible would tell me to do so – such as bread:

Matt 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.

Some would say that since this is one of the few things that Jesus put into the Lord’s prayer – that he was saying that we should eat bread daily! And, when the Israelites were wandering around in the Wilderness – God fed them with manna – a ‘grain’.

But – I cannot eat bread – at least the bread of this day.

While I do believe that a drink once in a while – for social reasons(the Wedding at Canna) and for medicinal reasons(Paul to Timothy for his stomach) is permissible in the Christian life(self control is one of the 9 fruits of the Spirit), I need to be aware of how it affects my body – and how that affects my abilities, because of my blood glucose, the next day.

I have enjoyed a drink once in a while. Now, it looks like I cannot drink alcohol without an effect to my next day fasting blood glucose, whether I like to or not. (On the other hand – the piece of Key Lime Pie probably didn’t help!)

They key here is –

to thine own self be true

Actually – my truth is this: I am responsible to God for my body, since:

1 Cor 6:19
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Just for good measure – I checked out the effects of alcohol on a fatty liver. Well, I tried.
I have non alcoholic fatty liver. The Mayo Clinic defines it clearly. But one of the symptoms is weight loss!!! Hey guys…what’s up here? On the other hand, they don’t talk much about alcohol and the nonalcoholic fatty liver.

NOTE to self: I will need to do a blog on caring for your liver!

Today’s focus was on my blood glucose.
The American Diabetes Association has done amazing work for Diabetics.

I had forgotten that I wanted to do the Tour de Cure for Diabetes!
This year, that’s not going to work, because I don’t have a bike – but, I have walked for Diabetes before…I’m a Red Strider!
And there is a Step out in Orlando November 8, 2014! 2.6 miles! I can do that!

So – I have fatty liver – I am a diabetic – I say I want to get healthy.
What am I doing about it?

Well –
first, I’m eating better and better.
second, I’m moving – somedays not so much, but I’m moving my body!
third, I’m supplementing with things that help my body work better.

Here’s the summary of the weekend.
Saturday, July 19, 2014, day 10 of PlexusSlim
no Basal Temp numbers.
Thermometer was posting in centigrade. so, I ignored all the numbers!
RHR 75
FBG 118(second day it was low!)

Began the day with Plexus Slim.
I did eat out twice – careful planning of my breakfast at BobEvans, and then we went out for a salad at Panera for lunch.
I spent the afternoon painting.
Didn’t walk much – because Jim did all the walking, and I was suffering from cramping.

Ended the day with the BioCleanse, ProBio5, the natural anti-inflammatories and my medicine.

Sunday, July 20, 2014, day 11 of PlexusSlim
Basal Temp: 97.2
RHR 75
weight 239.8
FBG 140!!! WHAT?
Saturday night, I drank a Seagrams cooler to relax the cramps in my abdomen. This was the ONLY non paleo item of the day. This has to have effected the FBG.

weight 20JUL2014

weight 20JUL2014

Bone % 20JUL2014

Bone % 20JUL2014

BMI 20JUL2014

BMI 20JUL2014


Began the day with PlexusSlim, added in the B vitamins and the C, as well as the Liver support complex.

I did not do much – we took a long car ride, we took a nap, and we went to friends for a cook out.
Oh, I did climb up the ladder on the RV for a 12 week challenge!(who knew that climbing a ladder could hurt the area around my neck!)

I can do it!

I can do it!

First Step!

First Step!

Arm work

Arm work



pull it up

pull it up

Over the Top

Over the Top

Oh, Yes I can!

Oh, Yes I can!

Ended the day with the BioCleanse, ProBio5, the natural anti-inflammatories and my medicine.

Monday, July 21, 2014, Day 11 of PlexusSlim
My numbers this morning are:
FBG 134(keyLime pie and 1/2 bottle of Seagrams)
Temp 97
RHR 81

I drink my PlexusSlim while typing this blog.  That gives me some time between it, my other supplements and food.

My heart rate, while sitting and typing this blog, has stayed steady in the 80’s – so much better than 111 just typing…and no, I didn’t type that fast!

But, the alcohol and the sugar last night have affected my FLIC(Fasting Lower Intensity Cardio) for this morning. I’m dizzy, nauseous, and just plain extra tired.

Therefore – I am going to eat something good – go back to bed…and then, paint.

I pray that this will help!

In His hands and Under His wings,

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If you are interested in more info,
Christine Wildman, Plexus Website

For information on the water I live by:

Health Journal – day 8 – yeasty beasties fight back!

I'm happy today!

I’m happy today!

It is day 8 of my Plexus Slim trial.
It is 5 of my BioCleans and ProBio5 trial.
last night, I doubled the BioCleanse at night.

I have not seen those numbers without medicine!!!

I also was able to walk 1.4 miles this morning, doing a fasting low intensity cardio dog walk. I call this my morning FLIC.

I want to share some information that has been beneficial to me.
I am now taking the ProBio5 as a probiotic to combat candida from the medicines I’ve had to take this past year.

  1. Antibiotics cause yeast overgrowth.
  2. Steroids cause yeast overgrowth.
  3. eating sugar and starches feeds yeast overgrowth.

The only way to heal this, is to replace the good guys.
Lisa Richards, of The Candida Diet, explains why it’s a good thing to take probiotics.

This is the information on the ProBio5 – Probiotics:

Do you suffer from sugar cravings, inexplicable fatigue or bloating, anxiety or a “brain fog”? Fortunately, ProBio5 provides a solution to many of today’s “mystery” symptoms. ProBio5 features five extra strength probiotics, added enzymes, intestinal flora, B6 Grape Seed extract and vitamin C— all in one effective delivery system that supports the breaking down of hostile organisms that negatively impact your health.

Features & Benefits
Yeast organism (Candida) and fungal cleanse
Proper probiotic balance in the intestinal tract
Proper intestinal balance which increases nutrient absorption
Relief from typical Candida symptoms (anxiety, recurring irritability, lethargy, allergies, acne, dry/flaky skin, migraines, and so forth)

– See more at:

Here is a great resource for fighting candida –
The Candida Diet

Candida is a huge issue in my family…and I have been battling it since the late 80’s.
I’ve used nutrilite, juice plus, young living and other things.
Ask me, I’ve probably tried it.
The biggest issue with dealing with Candida, is the Die Off.
Again, I’m going to refer to Lisa Richards, and her article on Candida Die-Off symptoms.

Die-Off Symptoms
Here is a list of some of the symptoms you might experience during a die-off (otherwise known as a Herxheimer reaction).

Headache, fatigue, dizziness
Swollen glands
Bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea
Increased joint or muscle pain
Elevated heart rate
Chills, cold feeling in your extremities
Body itchiness, hives or rashes
Skin breakouts
Recurring vaginal, prostate and sinus infections

The Die-Off, or Herxheimer reaction, has been documented in research on antifungals. One 1980 study (see here) of the commercial antifungal Nystatin found the following:

“One phenomenon deserving emphasis is seen occasionally when therapy is initiated. It suggests the Herxheimer reaction … The reaction is usually limited to a flu-like syndrome of mild generalized aching and lowgrade fever, but may also encompass an exacerbation of the patient’s allergic manifestations.”

So – working on a yeast die off, while increasing my energy can be an interesting combo.

Even the Whole30 timeline has a week or two of die off symptoms…(I’ll talk about Whole30 in another post).

No doubt. I’m dealing with die-off.
Thanks to Lisa Richards article on die off…here are some ideas to treat the die off!

Coping with Candida Die-Off
These symptoms normally clear up within a week or so, but could last a little longer. However, there are a few things you can do to slow down this reaction or expel the toxins faster.

  • Take a supplement like Candidate, Molybdenum or Milk Thistle to help your liver expel the toxins.
    Molybdenum in particular is very useful for those suffering from Die-Off. It converts the neurotoxin acetaldehyde into acetic acid, which is then expelled by your body or even converted into helpful digestive enzymes.
  • Cut back or temporarily discontinue antifungal supplements.
    Antifungals work by breaking down the walls of the Candida yeast cells, which then release the many toxins that the Candida has been producing. Reducing your antifungal dosage will cut down the amount of toxins being released into your bloodstream. When you feel better, you can start to increase it again.
  • Reduce your dosage of probiotics.
    A course of good probiotics will repopulate your gut, crowd out the Candida, restore your stomach acidity and boost your immune system. Probiotics are less likely than antifungals to cause Die-Off, but if you start to experience the symptoms you can temporarily reduce your dosage.
  • Increase water intake to flush out the toxins faster.
    If you want to feel better, all those byproducts that are released by the Candida yeast need to leave your body. You can give them a push by drinking more water.
  • Slow down and rest as much as possible.
    Stress can weaken your adrenals and reduce your body’s ability to fight pathogens like a fungal infection. Relaxing and taking some personal time will help your immune system to do what it was designed to do.
  • Try some alternative detox methods like skin brushing, saunas or contrast showers.Most of these treatments are designed to increase your circulatory and lymphatic systems. They help you to expel the toxins that the dying Candida cells have released.
  • Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C twice daily.
    This multi-purpose vitamin boosts your adrenals and helps restore your immune system to health.

For more information on choosing a detox supplement and reducing your Candida symptoms, take a look at my Ultimate Candida Diet treatment program.

I’ll be honest – I got Lisa’s free 8 steps to fight candida(just sign up at her website above)…and didn’t do them well. Now that I am fighting the candida – I’m going to pull those emails back up and read them.

As I’m reading through her website – I’m seeing some other supplements that I’ve done before, but put on the back burner as I’ve tried out these Plexus products.
Milk Thistle Tea – with Dandelion, and Burdock, and Mullein. This is my liver cleansing tea!


My Liver Cleanse Tea ingredients

And then, “Candida causes low adrenal function and low metabolic energy
I have not been taking vitamin C – or my regular B vitamins.
I haven’t been taking my Liver Blend of dandelion and milkthistle


Candida Support supplemtns

What is becoming clear to me is that I have been on this battle field for many many years – and I have had various attempts.
I have learned many things – indicated by the fact that these items ARE IN MY PANTRY!!! (comeon, Christi – why aren’t you doing what you know to do?)
I wrote about a yeast cleanse – 28 days of grace.
I’m not sure that I ever got anything written up about whole30.
But I did write about the struggle to become the New Me.

The bottom line here is that I have tried, over and over and over, to get control of the sugar dragon(from Whole30) and heal from the candida stuff.
I have fatty liver – because of much of this stuff…
and, today, I see the first evidences of healing…the lowered fasting blood glucose number
Today, I am celebrating! adding the things that I’ve learned over the years to these new products – and thanking God for continuing to give me wisdom – His wisdom!
If Plexus Slim and the other two products give me the edge I need to take down these dragons – Then I thank God for bringing them into my life!

I pray that this will help!

In His hands and Under His wings,

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If you are interested in more info,
Christine Wildman, Plexus Website

For information on the water I live by:

Plexus Journal day 7 – This will now say HEALTH Journal

While I’m documenting this to see if I am convinced with the efficacy of Plexus products, I am also continuing to utilize some other products and techniques to regain my health. Regain – I cannot remember a time when I was ‘healthy’.

Thursday, July 17, 2014
fbg 121
temp 96.8
rhr 76

yesterday, I walked .85 mile…and my knee started giving out.
By the evening…the right leg was giving out.
This would have nothing to do with my supplementation…but it does have to do with my continued walking.

I also need to report that I am drinking Alkaviva ionized and alkaline water. This water has shown an amazing ability to keep my lymph glands from swelling – me from retaining water – and thereby eliminating the pain that goes with those symptoms.

One of the things that folks say about Plexus Slim is that it helps them with cravings.
I just went to Bob Evans, and chose a salad because it looked good – instead of the ‘healthy’ breakfast with multigrain cranberry hotcakes.
As I was looking at the healthy breakfast with the hotcakes – I just felt inside that I did not want the hotcakes…I don’t want the effect that grain has on my system.


In addition – because of my decision on the hotcakes, I had to make a choice of salads. Often, if I am TRYING to limit grains, I choose the spinach salad, because there is no offering of special bread.
Today, I chose the Cranberry Pecan Salad, without the blue cheese(limiting dairy…oh how I love dairy), and before I even got to the bread, I asked my friend Beth about bread to take home for her husband, and we settled on bread for another friend’s husband’s lunch. Done. no bread! no cheese.

What is new? I’ve done this before on a Whole30 protocol, and on a sugar cleanse protocol. So, those who have watched me go through this health thing might wonder…so what…she’s done this before.
What’s new? the lack of struggle!!!!
And, I didn’t even want the bread!
Or those hotcakes!

If this is from the Plexus Slim – if the ingredients in this simple drink are helping me to not want things that are not good for my body…I’ll take it. My liver will thank me. My kidneys will thank me. My lungs and throat will thank me. Eventually, maybe I will thank me.

No real exercise today…rain…spotty rain…so, I can’t go to the pool…and my knee is not interested in going for a walk.

I pray that this will help!

In His hands and Under His wings,

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If you are interested in more info,
Christine Wildman, Plexus Website

For information on the water I live by: