10 days out of 28…
or 10 days into the rest of my life!
My husband, Jim, wanted to share some thoughts…and I appreciate them, and him.
So, heeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeesssssssssssss JIM!
Jim Wildman – my husband of almost 32 years, and best friend for almost 40, and the father of my five children.
As Christi has pointed out, she (and I, though she has not said that) have had a real struggle with fast food. This goes back probably 15 years. In the evening, this has taken two forms. One is that she calls or texts me on my way home to swing through <name a fast food restaurant>. The other form is that I get home, then she asks me to go get something.
Since she started the yeast free diet 10 days ago, she has not done either of these even one time!! This really hit me tonight as I was driving home and she didn’t call me (I realized that I was expecting her to call). When I got home, I could smell supper from outside the trailer! What a wonderful aroma! And she had the table set and worship music playing. After supper (which we finished early because I did not have to go get it), we played a game of Scrabble Apple. One good thing leads to many others!
God is so good to strengthen my wife’s heart and will to be able to stick to a new way of eating!!
Here’s supper. Grilled salmon, sweet potato with coconut oil, quinoa salad with cucumbers, snap peas, and green onions. Very yum..
So much better than whatever fast food we would have had. As we were eating, it struck me..it can be very hard to give up things we “like”, even when we know those things are either outright bad, or at least not good for us. Even when we can see the bad side effects in our bodies, we still justify or explain away our behavior. I was thinking about this with food, but it applies just as well to sin. Making healthy choices is a struggle. Making holy choices is a struggle. Eating healthy must become a life style. Living holy must become a life style. There is no other real choice for a Christian.
~Christi here:
It has been a prayer of mine since becoming ill, and handicapped to be able to take care of my husband as he has taken care of me.
Because of hip issues, and the chronic pain from Fibromyalgia, I have not been able to stand at the stove/sink/counter long enough to prepare a meal, much less clean up after it.
I have been able to enjoy exploring my old cooking skills as my energy has been growing.
I am so blessed that God has blessed me and I have been able to bless Jim.
Easy Quinoa Recipe: How to cook Quinoa in a Microwave
1 C quinoa
2 C water
put in 2 qt microwave bowl with loose lid/cover
cook for 3 minutes
sit for 1
cook another 3 minutes
sit for 1
Quinoa is done when all the liquid is absorbed and the white outer starts spiraling off.
Then, treat it like rice!
Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,
Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.
“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” – from My Utmost for His highest
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