Yes, Donald Trump is going to be our next president.
No, Hillary Clinton did not win.
And, no, all the independent candidates only kept the big show from being more of a separation. 1-2-6% just didn’t come close to winning…but, it could have effected the outcome, one way or another.
I know very seriously committed Christians that voted in every one of those categories. No one has the Christian mandate.
AND YET – that is NOT the focus of my post!

AS CHRISTIANS – What should our response be?
My first post this morning was to thank friends of mine on the “other side of the aisle” for having respectful discussions with me throughout this election.
KB, I want to thank you for reaching out to me this election. I pray that our respect for one another is a symbol for others that vehemently disagree and the who…but completely agree in the need for change. SS, you and I have described our political relationship as being on opposite sides so dramatically that we end up back to back fighting for the same issues from different points of view.
I know how you feel on the day after an election, and you ladies did not gloat and rub your victories in my face in 2008 and 2012. I wish I would say ” good race”, but I can’t. What I can say is thank you for your love for our country. May God bless America…and may we the people come together to don’t a more perfect union!
Thank you, ladies, and other friends that disagree with my position…I’m thanking DP, JR, DE and others. Thank you for the respectful freedom to discuss our differences. THIS is what makes America great!
Then, I wrote this post on Facebook this morning, as I saw folks blasting both sides:
For 8 years, I’ve been respectful of a man for which I had no respect. I hope those that were for Hillary can find themselves able to honor the way the founders set up our method of election, and be respectful. Our country needs to be united against our common foes…poverty, uneducated, Healthcare issues and security issues among so many others. Let’s all be AMERICAN!
I’m going to post that discussion here. I’m not going to name my friend, because she is not the only Christian that is feeling this way.
One response:
Yes, you were, but we need to face the fact that many, MANY people were not respectful of President Obama. Those people have no right to expect Hillary supporters to all of a sudden respect Trump. What goes around, comes around.
My reply:
It doesn’t mean that Christians shouldn’t raise the bar and live above the past. We can encourage one another to shine a light. To be a light. People live down to your expectations.
Her comment:
I totally agree that we should encourage one another to do what’s right, but I think that Christians who were disrespectful of President Obama gave up their opportunity to be the light in this particular situation.
My reply:
Repentance and confession go a long way…and then, they can show their change by their quiet response to wrath. The Christian life is about growth. I’m speaking a vision…I hope believers will hear. Every day I have to try to live and love better than yesterday. In times like these, that’s the light that can be shown. I hope that a sinful past does not eliminate my future opportunities to be salt and light. By grace through Faith I stand! And that not of myself! The psalmist said that we are to shine brighter and brighter…I call out to my brothers and sisters to rise to the call of the kingdom of God, not muck around in sport game celebrations. Even sports know it’s unsportsmanlike. We are to be different…and someone has to call out and remind us that we have a higher calling! That is what I am attempting to do.
I got one response from another friend that said:
I am not united with bigots, racists, misogynists, and xenophopes.
hmmm. That means me.
Another post by a friend, was this meme:

Here’s my response:
This is highly offensive to me. If you are one that is posting such memes, this is to you.
It just hurts me when folks make such generalizations. As if I’m ignorant…and those like me could not possibly have an intelligent reason for our position. I cannot comprehend your position, and you cannot comprehend mine, but isn’t that where we grow by respecting each other and not supporting memes and such that call each other ugly names? Doesn’t that smack of bullying? And isn’t that a huge thing Democrats have screamed about trump? Wasn’t part of Hillary’s campaign anti bullying? I just don’t understand the divisiveness. And yes, just as blacks consider themselves judged as part of a whole group…and the Democrat position was anti bias, I’m part of the group indicated in red…I have been bullied and judged by this meme.
I’m anti-bullying, anti-stereotyping. Are you?
And this is just in response to the stuff that those pro Hillary and anti Trump have posted.
I’ve told those that are pro trump that I will not be posting or liking any of their meme’s either. On both sides, there have been some funny things, but, not everyone sees the humor.
As a follower of Christ, here is how I have handled the last 8 years of a presidency that I did not agree with.
1. I have dual citizenship! United States Citizen(by birth) and
The Kingdom of Heaven (by rebirth).
- Phil 3:20
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,
- Romans 8:17
Now if we are children, then we are heirs–heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
- John 17:15-17
15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17 Sanctify them by[a] the truth; your word is truth.
- John 18:36
36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
2. Responsibility to My Heavenly King
I’m going to post this after #3, but I wanted it to be clear that my first responsibility is to my Heavenly King. This is from where all of my decisions derive, and this is where my world view is formed.
Here’s a hint!
Mark 12:29-33
29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
32 “Well said, teacher,” the man replied. “You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him.
33 To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.”
Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Here, take a break and listen to Rich Mullins singing Creed!
3. Responsibility to my earthly government
- Romans 13:1-2
1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
- Mark 12:13-17
17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
Matthew 22:15-22
- Romans 14:17-18
17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18 because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval
- A great sermon was preached on 11/6/2016 by David Uth of First Baptist Church of Orlando. I hope I can update this soon, when that podcast is published.
Back to point 2.

Is Jesus my King? YES!
Joshua 24:14-15
14 “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.
15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
1 John 3:23
And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.
John 1:12
1 John 4:15
Acts 16:31
1 Corinthians 3:11
Now, what is my responsibility as a Christian – to those around me?
Jesus had a lot to say, and none of it depended upon the outcome of an election.
Ephesians 4:1-3
1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
John 13:34-35
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 15:17
This is my command: Love each other.
If you are not familiar with the standard of how love acts, in the life of a Christian, please click on 1 Corinthians 13.
Romans 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Hebrews 12:14
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Psalm 34:14
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
2 Corinthians 13:11
Finally, brothers, rejoice! Aim for perfect harmony, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
Ephesians 4:31-32
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
galatians 5:13-16
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Galatians 5:22-26
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
LIGHT(to cause darkness to flee)
Ephesians 5:8-9
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light,
9for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth.
Matthew 5:14-16
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
SALT (preservative, seasoning)
Matthew 5:13
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot
Mark 9:50
“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.”
Colossians 4:6
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Get rid of ugliness:
Galatians 4:29-32
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Romans 14:19; Romans 15:2; Colossians 3:8;1 Thessalonians 5:11
And verse upon verse upon verse about the dangers of the tongue!
Focus on the Good:
Phillipians 4:8-9
8 Finally, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.
9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Speak not evil of governing authorities
2 Peter 2:10
But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
Jude 8
Exodus 22:28
Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people.
The wisdom of Solomon:
Ecclesiastes 10:20
Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird in the sky may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.
And if you can’t bring yourself to do that, here are a few verses that always bring me to my knees:
Matt 5:43 – 46
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’
44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
Luke 6:27-28
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Because Christians are called to be DIFFERENT than the rest of the world.
Christians are supposed to be growing into the likeness and image of CHRIST JESUS!
Philipians 2:5
Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,
John 13:15
“For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.
Romans 8:29
For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;
2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
Mark 8:34-35
And He summoned the crowd with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.
John 15:10
“If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
John 13:35
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
I’m commanded to love those that use me, abuse me, persecute me, and even are my enemies. Jesus Loved from the cross.
But I have another responsibility, to this country, based on my citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.
2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
My responsibility is:
- as one of HIS people
- called by HIS name
- Pray
- Seek HIS face
- Turn from MY wicked ways
- He will hear me
- and forgive me
- and heal our land.
But the verse is PLURAL – MY PEOPLE!
There is a need for revival in the land – for the children of God to rise up to their responsibility for the condition of our country.
I know that I have not been consistent with this set of requirements to be a good citizen. Have you?
Yahweh, Jehovah, Yeshua or Jesus(however you want to speak the name of God) did not put any clarification that this only applied when the King was a Godly King. In fact, Daniel was led to pray for the King of Persia…
Israelites were called to pray for the leaders when in Babylon(jeremiah 29:7)
The early Christians were told to pray for the government, that would kill them.
Our government in the United States of America grants us freedom of religion – at this time – in the constitution. That is NOT the case around the world. And, according to the scriptures, that will not be the case forever.
Matthew 24 is a good place to read about how things will change.
Luke 21.
Mark 13.
And they are changing.
1 Timothy 4
2 Peter 3
1 Thessalonians 5
So, my prayer, dear Christian, follower of Christ, lover of the true Light – is this:
Hebrews 10:22-25
22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Jeremiah was told
(Jeremiah 29:7):
7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
Jeremiah 29:11-13
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
1 Timothy 2:1-4
2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,
2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,
4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Let’s humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God.
Let’s stand in the gap on behalf of our nation.
Let’s make our speech, both written and spoken, be wholesome and edifying, not given to gossip and division.

Let’s live our lives to rise to glorify God in our bodies, and not fall to the destructive methods of others.
Romans 12:1-2
12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
When Jesus returns for his Bride – I want him to be able to pick me out of the crowd! I want to be different. How about you?
note – this does not discuss the grace and mercy of God upon us, the propitiation for our sin through Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness when we fail. On the other hand, I did not reference the times we are told to be perfect as he is perfect or holy as he is holy. The point is – we are supposed to aim higher. That is my goal. I fail often, but by His grace, I go before the throne, call upon the name of Jesus, and I’m cleansed, and welcomed back to try again.

Team Wildman
Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,
Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.
I want to thank
for the ability to search the Bible online.
“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” – from My Utmost for His highest
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There are many organizations that support children and families. Here is one that we are blessed to be a part of. Please consider sponsoring a child – the life you change could be your own.