Where art thou, Christi?

so many things I planned to do – and then, things came up.
and then, I rewrote what I planned to do to take those things into consideration – and then, things came up.

Sometimes stupid stuff, like today – I left the toilet without making sure it flushed completely, and our whole RV is flooded – water running freely from 11 p, to 8 am. This was not what I planned for today.

Last Tuesday, I was planning to walk my 10k steps a day – to keep up what I had done at camp…but, I shut my foot in the car door – yes, I had to open the door to get it out.
Apparently, feet were not made for being shut into such tight spaces without at least being bruised.

Anyway – for various reasons, specifically my eyes, I did not start the Isaiah course I planned – and therefore – it is not here.

Because of a detox program by my doctor – I stopped the Plexus stuff – and therefore, stopped writing up those thoughts – though, I will be writing up some health journal stuff to bring this up to date. I have stopped the Plexus – because I don’t need it. But, that means, I haven’t kept up my health journal.

Because of travel – and only having a tablet that does not seem to put my blogs in the right place, and is not as convenient to type on for long thoughtful things(and, I can’t switch back and forth to have blue letter bible, google and photos easily added) – I haven’t kept up anything here!

Oh, the art? yeah – it’s sitting on the easels – untouched.

In two weeks, I have surgery on my neck. Am I scared? well, let’s just say that I feel like I am choosing the lesser of two evils. And, I’m not looking forward to it, so I’m not thinking about it, I’m thinking about November…not October 13!!!

And my mental situation? This week, I start dealing with past wounds and memories – to try to eliminate the triggers and heal – and, this is the scariest thing of all.
I think I’d rather go back and let the Navy do exploratory surgery on my back than go through this wound exploration – a lot is in journals – that I refuse to read – and now, I’m going to be discussing it with a therapist for an hour, after an hour of driving, and then, an hour of driving home.

My eyes keep dripping…my heart keeps racing…and nothing that I had planned is going to happen – and while this should be the place that I put all those wonderful no fear scriptures and memos and thoughts and sayings – right now – my mind is flooded – as I said, so flooded that my eyes are leaking.

But, if there is anyone that reads this – this is my short explanation as to where I’ve been and where I am.

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,
Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” –
from My Utmost for His highest

I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a comment!
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Soon, we will have a gallery for the art I have created by the hand of God.

Barbs Drawing

Naomi’s Heart Mission

Help a child in need. Check out Naomi’s Heart Mission or Compassion International. The life that changes will be your own!

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October 1, 2014 4:35 pm

Like Allen Saunders says…”Life is what happens when you’re making other plans”.

September 30, 2014 1:31 pm

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’m thinking that the mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs His steps. (Proverbs 16:3, I think.) I’m disappointed you have stopped using Plexus. 🙁 I think it could help you in So Many Ways! It helps with regulating the blood sugar levels (as you know), reducing inflammation, improving moods, detoxing, and restoring gut health. I sincerely feel it would help you if you would stick with it . . . .

Anyway, you are in my thoughts and prayers!

thanks for the update here!
